About: Play2Support

Play2Support is a social enterprise in which all money raised goes to charity with none taken out for fees, prizes, travel and subsistence. It was devised and is directed by Paul Nash. Born in Stratford, London, Paul moved north when he went to Durham University then stayed put when he got his first job teaching in Bellingham, Northumberland. After 20 years of teaching experience in the region and having become a senior teacher he left to take up the Employment Department post to establish a project base in order to promote flexible learning approaches across the North of England. At the end of project funding he converted it into his own company, Quality4Education Ltd. He has lived on the banks of the Tyne in Ovingham since 1971 but has not lost his 'cockney' accent!

Back in 2010, he was diagnosed with and treated for prostate cancer. He was described as one of the ‘lucky ones’, caught early and removed using laparoscopic surgery. Since then he has supported Prostate Cancer UK through awareness and fund raising activities and is an active member of the North East Volunteer Support Hub. Play2Support is a concept, which emerged as a result of this work and his love of golf.

For details of his other work go to Quality4Education for details.
