
Quality4ALL is a programme of professional development

Developed jointly in the UK by Paul Nash and in the Netherlands by APS Utrecht, it aims to improve the quality of teaching throughout the school/college/training provider.

What makes Quality4ALL different?

  • It is a programme that concentrates on what teachers do, believing that a well managed teaching environment will lead to improved learning by all students/trainees
  • Before any commitment by your organisation there is a brief pilot period designed to enable us to help you identify your specific needs and to decide that our approach will deliver what you need
  • It recognises that changing teaching and training styles requires cultural change within all aspects of the work of the organisation and that this takes time…it is not a quick fix but a long-term strategy
  • It is not another initiative; it is based on a teaching & learning framework that supports what teachers already do and the emerging range of brain-based learning approaches.

    What are the benefits?

    Quality for ALL is based on tried and tested practice with over 4000 teachers/trainers in over 100 organisations in both the Netherlands and the UK. So you can be sure:

  • It works … independent evaluation has shown that teaching/training quality improves;
  • It will be well-delivered … you will be working with a team of consultants each with significant experience of teaching/training and of supporting work-based development;
  • It is sustainable … the trainer skills of key staff will be developed so that the process of renewal can continue.
  • What topics do we cover?

  • lesson/programme structure
  • questioning techniques
  • forming groups
  • effective group work
  • making presentations
  • one to one interactions
  • running group tutorials
  • developing independent learning resources
  • formative assessments
  • extending learning
  • personalisation
  • etc.
  • What underpins this programme is the desire/need to prepare young people for a future of change in all aspects of life and work...to help them become autonomous learners. Two sets of standards have been developed to support and guide this work. They provide checklists of principles and actions that can be deployed in order to achieve your goals.

    Teaching and Learning Framework

    Autonomous Learning Framework
