Current Projects: Training

All of us at some point in our lives have experienced times when adopting assertive behaviour would be beneficial. Little Big Butterfly works with organisations to plan and deliver training for both staff and service users, which examines and enables reflection of behaviours, learning skills and tools to deal with situations more appropriately. This involves recognising...
Playing Up: Challenging Behaviour Creatively 1 Day Training £90 per participant including course materials and lunch. This 1 day training is delivered by experienced drama facilitators to enable youth and community workers, teachers and support staff working with young people, to gain creative skills to engage and effectively challenge behaviour in a session. The...
Little Big Butterfly are delighted to be providing the drama element to WIRED! The course has been delivered successfully over the last few years to frontline staff working with vulnerable children and young people across Newcastle to improve their theoretical knowledge and practice in engaging young people with challenging behaviour. The course involves role play and the use...
Separated Parenting Programme - Getting It Right. This one day course explores negotiating contact arrangements for separated parents. The course uses Mindfulness and Assertiveness techniques to support parents in creating the right environments for discussion, keeping children at the centre of all decisions. The training is delivered by Graeme Armstrong and Clara Shield,...