What I Do

Supporting Expansion/Overcrowding CIF and Basic Need Bids

Providing one or more of the following as required, based on local needs along with BB103/104, DfE SoA, Net Capacity and other government guidelines:

  • A review of existing suitability data and site/building plans plans;
  • NoR projections 5-10 yrs into the future based on DfE data to indicate when current capacity will be exceeded and by how much…this provides guidance as to when building/site developments have to be completed;
  • Curriculum analyses using bespoke applications/DfE SoA online tools to identify possible shortfalls/surpluses of overall and specific space type area based on current and projected NOR and timetable/curriculum models.
  • A space-by-space check of the buildings to update the current use, layout & suitability;
  • A whole site review to assess the potential for new development;
  • Discussions with the Head, governors and/or other members of the SLT as required, to identify emerging ideas and any local issues that need to be considered.
  • An at-desk analysis to ascertain the potential of the site for one or more of the following (as directed):
  • …Bulge classes either found within the existing building or provided through temporary accommodation;
    …A 1FE or 2FE expansion in line with BB103/104 guidance utilising as much existing capacity as possible whilst ensuring appropriate provision of Hall & Studio, Staff & Admin, Learning Resource and Storage area as well as Basic Teaching & Non-Net spaces;
    …The provision of resourced and/or designated SEN units.

    A report containing analysis of area and suitability based on the following:

  • Basic Teaching (general teaching and specific subjects);
  • Halls/Dining/PE;
  • Learning Resources;
  • Staff & Admin;
  • Non-Net spaces including circulation, WCs/changing and plant.
  • Outline site development proposals.

    I provide indications of how existing internal areas could be redesigned/remodelled to provide a more efficient use of space whilst minimising the impact on the everyday work of the school during development. Where required I identify a number of options including the use of new build solutions.
